NFC products
The NFC (Not From
Concentrate) puree market is in constant expansion worldwide due to the need to
serve the health food market. To ensure stable and high quality, it is
essential to keep the same-quality fresh fruits, coming from controlled
production, available for as long as possible. Due to its own 3,500-tonne
elderberry harvest and the length of the elderberry types' ripening period,
BOTESZ offers its partners a unique opportunity of choice based on inner
content on the elderberry market.
On the sour cherry market, the varieties that are traditionally sought after as raw material for NFC juices are the Hungarian black sour cherry (aka Ciganymeggy) and the Serbian oblachinska. BOTESZ's producers have decades of growing experience and produce over 1,000 tonnes of these varieties, even with BIO certification.
BOTESZ's product range, considering content values:
Elderberry NFC puree in barrels (varieties with high antocyanin content)
Elderberry NFC puree in barrels (varieties with higher BRIX)
Sour cherry NFC puree in barrels